Sunday, November 30, 2008

complementary colors.

random roommate musings of the night: the continuum theory and the color spectrum theory, in respect to relationships.

rambling late night talks with my four intelligent, passionate roommates usually come back to one topic: the opposite sex/relationships/love.

a friend of ours that was over announced that he 'isn't really single anymore.' the 20 questions game ensued as we put him on the hot spot and peppered him with questions. he then backed down and said he 'wasn't really in a relationship but wasn't really single.' this led to a discussion about all the gray area in relationships, or quasi-relationships for that matter. there's a huge range of emotional levels between the two end points of 'single' and 'in a relationship'. as fun as the 'what are we' talk is (sarcasm. i strongly dislike that talk. why can't you just be?), it's very hard to define what exactly a relationship is.

therefore..the continuum theory. example: there is a man with no hair whatsoever. he's obviously bald. there is another man with a completely full head of hair. say the bald man grows a hair. he's still bald, isn't he? say he grows a few more hairs. is he still bald? where exactly is the transition from being bald to having hair? apply it to an emotional bond with another person. where exactly is the transition from being single to dating someone? or from dating someone to being in a relationship?

the color theory:
every relationship has an overarching color that describes it.
a comfortable relationship: possibly a light blue.
a relationship based on passion: an intense red.
meg (no, i am not speaking in the 3rd person) described her parents' as lilac.
i thought that was lovely.

anyway..i think each person has a personality color (read: aura, chakra, etc.).
a person who used to know me fairly well sent me a random message telling me i have a red aura. i'm not sure if i agree with that or not.

two different personality colors turn into a relationship color.

the singles of the group were dismayed to think of themselves as monochromatic. group decision was made to rename it 'looking for your complementary color'. the right color is out there. you just have to find it.

i think i would like a hunter green relationship. or a warm brown. or a deep maroon.

.only love is all maroon.
- bon iver

i'm tired. this is rambly. i am not looking forward to a monday morning.

somewhere over the rainbow,

Monday, November 17, 2008

you do what you love, and fuck the rest.

after a month of pointless discussion regarding whether i should spend my spring semester or argentina or not, my mom finally voiced one of her real fears: ‘you’re never content, meggie.’

ironic as foyobli is short for follow your bliss.

according to the brenda, i never just stop, breathe and enjoy the situation i’m in..i’m always searching for something more. i understand this on a micro for the moment, stop and smell the roses..the whole she-bang, but on a bigger scale, i see nothing wrong with trying to find exactly what it is that you love and are passionate about. (granted, this may be personal bias in the situation) sure, things may be good, but nothing that i’ve done this far has come close to satisfying me. so why not keep searching? maybe argentina will offer me some insight as to what on earth i want to do with my life.

am i running away from something or running toward something? i prefer to think the latter.